Friday, September 2, 2011

Reinforcements Have Arrived!

Well, here’s the first assault squad that I started.  It’s kitted out to deal more with hordes (twin flamers and power sword Sergeant.  This unit was original going to be a Templar assault squad, but I decided I wanted to get a jump start on this project and save a few bucks (not repurchasing the same kit when I have two of them sitting around in various states of assembly.)  So, the Sergeant ended up with a plasma pistol, more because I like the look and didn’t want to bother with taking the arm off.  I’ve had mixed luck with the weapon; it’s always nice to drop in that high strength, low AP shot (or shots with the plasma gun) but I seem to roll a lot of one’s when I’m shooting with them.

I must stress though that I’m painting this army to finish.  I’ve tried to cut corners by not blending near as much as I normaly would and doing single coat highlights (the silver and black area’s are examples of this) with the idea of trying to get things that look nice at several feet away (or even a foot or two in front of your face) and actually have a full army.  I’ll focus on the HQ’s and probably the vehicles since my list only has five (well four if you discount the drop pod.)  Anyway, I’ll try to update next week with more progress!  I picked the Stormraven up and plan to enter my local store’s painting contest with murals and such.  We’ll see how it goes!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent star phantoms! Would you be interested in joining the badab veterans (found here if you are leave me a message.
